Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 17 pg.154-162)

Chapter 17 pg.154-162

Thank god Ann is living in a cave. From there the day was usual the same. It was very weird when he asked Ann to read to him. He knows she is very tired. What is his problem he does not have to wake up in the morning and dose stuff. He is an odd adult.

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 16 pg.154-162)

Chapter 16 pg.154-162

I think the reson why Mr. Loomis is making Ann do all of this. So when Mr. Loomis scares, threatens, or kill's Ann he will have food left, and he won't have to work for crops and vegetables. Ann is right when Mr. Loomis came in he was and friendly and after his recouvery he is all weird because off the radioactive. When Mr. Loomis grabbed Ann's hand I was shocked. I trembled with fear. Why would he do such a thing? He is a weirdo Mr. Loomis is creepy and showing his bad side. and again if i were Ann I will SHOOT MR.LOOMIS RIGHT NOW.

Z for Zachariah ( Chapter 15 pg.146-153)

Chapter 15 pg.146-153

I was wrong about Mr. Loomis make/planning to make Ann a cake, he is designing a water powered generator. I know that Mr. Loomis will not allow Ann with the safe suit. (Like Hello, Ann is not Edward.) Mr. Loomis is a very selfish man. (He probably had no friends in grade school.) I say "Ann go and run away with the suit." Mr. Loomis is crazy with the farm, Ann is not a robot she can't grow/plant so many things at once.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 14 pg.136-145)

Ch.14 pg.136-145

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANN!!! Mr. Loomis is having a great recovery he is eating very well today. The great thing was Ann had a great/good birthday. It was odd when Mr. Loomis asked about the farming. Why does he care? When Ann mentioned about the church I was mad. She shouldn't that would/could be a great hiding spot. At least he does not now were it is located at.

I am now scared that Mr. Loomis has stared to walk. At the end it is very confusing think Mr. Loomis is planning Ann's birthday cake? I think?

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 13 pg.130-135)

Ch.13 pg.130-135

Thank god Mr. Loomis is fine and looks good. Ann should go to Ogdentown to buy books for her self, and not go to Ogentown at the same time because she will have to wear the safe suit with Mr. Loomis permission and I might effect Mr. Loomis by Ann being Edward.

I have never tried Custered soup before. And i don't like soup either. The new stove will help Ann alot with preparing food.

Z for Zachaariah (Chapter 12 pg.121-199)

Ch.12 pg.121-129

I can never up in the middle of the night to check someone. Never. Mr. Loomis is very weak right now at everything even breathing. I wonder how Mr. Loomis's face sticky? When Ann forgot her bible that was not to bad, but hopefully god will understand.

The baby crow might have been scared or frightened to see a human (alive). I really think that Ann's father said("We should always leave them where they were since the parent birds were watching")

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 11pg.110-120)

Ch.11 .110-120

Mr. Loomis to me has gone crazy. He is having scary dreams that I would be afraid of him and having crazy, sad flashback. Ia m learning a bit more about Edward and Mr. Loomis, and hopefully Ann too. I believe Ann might be right of Mr. Loomis being a murder. If i were Ann I will probably pray for his death or his life. I am not to sure.