Friday, April 27, 2007

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 10 pg.98-109)

Chapter 10 pg 98-109

If I were Ann in this situation I would lock Mr. Loomis up in his room and only open the door to serve him breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 9 pg.90-97)

Chapter 9 pg. 90-97

I don't now much about tractors, but I do remember sitting on a tractor in Fiji, because my grandapa has a farm there. It was really fun and I just honked the horn. I have walked in a farm too. SAD NEWS: Mr. Loomis's fever went four deress up.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Z of Zachariah (Chapter 8 pg.77-89)

Chapter 8 pg.77-89

Ann has to get early in the morning to do so many things, like take care of Mr. Loomis, the cows. the chickens and make breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is always busy. I wish I was not her. Her thoughts of getting married might come true and it might not, but please not with Mr. Loomis. The smells of apple blossom are are so beautiful it is hard to describe how they smell. I remember when we had an apple blossom tree.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 7 pg. 67-76)

Chapter 7 pg. 67-76

This chapter really has a great, well not that great kind of bond between Mr. Loomis and Ann. I really think Ann should talk about the dream Mr. Loomis had on Edward, and a bit more.

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 6 pg.54-66)

Chapter 6 pg.54-66

This chapter to me is really boring, but Important at the same time, Why because you actually know more about him. Like where he came from and why.

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 5 pg.43-54)

Chapter 5 pg. 43-54

This part of the book makes me sad because the man is so weak. I would want to help him get better. But after on I still will hate him.

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 4 pg. 32-42)

Chapter 4 pg.32-42

In this Chapter the man takes advantage of every thing in the houses. Like Ann's clothing's the food. I am starting to not like him that much.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 3 pg.20-31)

Chapter 3 pg.20-31

This is why I don't this chapter...
First he finds the house and a good supply of food and thinks he owns everything and kills a chicken. Then he takes a swim in dead stream! He could not even see died things there!

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 2 pg.10-19)

Chapter 2 pg. 10-19

This Chapter told me how Ann feels, like about the time and date and how she does not really matter what you dress like, and i can't even tried shooting or holding a gun. (WOW) Who's coming? And what is Ann deciding to do ?

Z for Zachariah (Chapter 1 pg.1-9)

Chapter 1 pg.1-9

This chapter really tells me what might happen in this book. Some of the part was confusing at first, but i got it because i have all ready read the book last year. Now I am scared of nuclear bombs. I think Ann is a very tough girl. Why is Ann worrying of someone living one earth ? Maybe she is scared because this person can kill her ? Who knows ? If I were Ann I would find a radiation suite, burn the house and, run away.